Xuefeng Ding
Xuefeng Ding

Associate Research Fellow


  1. Associate Research Fellow

    IHEP-CAS (Beijing)
    • Responsible for solar neutrino physics. Currently focus on developing machine learning based directionality aimed at improving the signal-to-background ratio.
    • Responsible for physics R&D for a new time projection chamber detector aimed at measuring low energy reactor neutrino spectrum.
  2. Postdoc Research Associate

    Princeton University (Princeton)
    • Responsible for developing analysis strategy for measurement of CNO solar neutrinos using Borexino Phase-III data.
    • Developed BAMBI method which improved sensitivity of Borexino to CNO from 2$\sigma$ to 5$\sigma$.


  1. PhD in Astro-particle Physics

    GSSI (L'Aquila) and SISSA (Trieste)
    High precision spectroscopy of solar neutrinos with Borexino and JUNO. For Borexino, I developed a GPU fitter and made core contribution to the Borexino Phase-II pp-chain solar neutrino measurements. For JUNO, I proposed the TFC method which helps JUNO to reach 2 MeV threshold for $^8$B solar neutrinos.
    Read Thesis
  2. MSc in Theoretical Physics

    Wuhan University (Wuhan)
  3. BSc in Physics Base classes

    Wuhan University (Wuhan)
Skills & Hobbies
Technical Skills

For parallelization, c++ gluing, pipeline, visualization.


For high performance computing (HPC).

Statistical analysis

For particle physics analysis.


AI for science and LLM for science.


I like karaoke, and my voice sounds similar to Mayday’s.

Pop science writing

Check my zhihu posts.


Europa Universalis IV from paradox interactive. It’s fun because I learn new things after 1500 hours.

Go (Weiqi)

~10th kyu level on Yike Weiqi.

Solar neutrino physics with JUNO and R&D for TPC
Chinese Academy of Sciences ∙ April 2024
Research fund. PI. 3M CNY.
Solar neutrino physics with JUNO
Institute of High Energy Physics ∙ April 2024
Research fund. PI. 1M CNY.
Outstanding Self-financed abroad graduate student
China Scholarship Council ∙ November 2023