1. Software for data analysis

Jul 17, 2024·
Xuefeng Ding
Xuefeng Ding
· 6 min read


You should know

  • basic concepts about folders (文件夹) and files (文件),
  • simple linux commands such as cd and ls,
  • and can use some editor such as vim or nano.

Very simple vim tutorial

  • There are two mode, normal and insert. Watch bottom left.
  • Press esc (on top left of your keyboard) to insert->normal
  • Press i to normal->insert
  • In the insert mode, you can type.
  • In the normal mode
    • type :w to save, :w hi.txt to save as hi.txt
    • type :q to quit, :wq or :wq hi.txt to save and exit.
    • type :q! to quit without saving.
  • That’s it. Now you can use vim.

Get Linux-like shell (Windows)

  • If you use windows, it’s better you install WSL.
  • WSL is like a virtual machine platform like virtualbox or vmware, but designed by microsoft and is more stable and convenient.
  • With WSL you can install a virtual machine with Ubuntu 22.04. We will work in the Ubuntu.
  • For Mac user, we can just work in the OSX. You can download iTerm2 for better experience compared with the original terminal app.

Install Windows Terminal

Go to Windows store and install the Windows Terminal.

Install WSL

wsl --install

Install Ubuntu 22.04

  • Open the Windows Terminal and type
wsl --status # verify you have WSL 2 installed
wsl --list --online # check available OS to you
wsl --install --d Ubuntu-22.04 # install Ubuntu 22.04
# If it does not work, try wsl --update. You might need a proxy.

Verify installation

  • Verify you got Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine.
wsl -l # verify you have Ubuntu-22.04 listed and marked as default.
wsl --set-default Ubuntu-22.04 # if not default, use this command
  • Now you can enter your Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine by
    • Open Windows Terminal and choose Ubuntu 22.04 profile
    • Or Open Windows Terminal and choose Command Prompt and type

Setup package manger

Install brew for Mac

  • On Mac it’s suggested you use brew.
  • It’s recommended that you follow the TUNA brew guide and use the TUNA brew source if you are in the China mainland.
  • The TUNA brew guide is a bit complicate. But if you read it slowly it’s very clear. Follow the section 首次安装 Homebrew / Linuxbrew if you install from scratch, and follow the section 替换现有仓库上游 if you have brew already installed and would like to switch to the TUNA source.

Install apt for Ubuntu

spack for both Mac and Ubuntu

  • You can also use spack to manage your softwares. But I recommend you switch to spack later. We will touch it in the later lectures.

Setup jupyter notebook

  • jupyter notebook is a convenient tool designed for the python programming language.
  • One powerful function of jupyter is that it’s very easy to test ideas by creating a new cell and running the code in the cell immediately.
  • Another powerful function of jupyter is that you can break your code into many cells and you can modify middle part of the code and rerun part of the code and see results on the fly.

Install python

  • For Mac, open iTerm2 and use brew
brew install python
  • You can also use default python of Mac, but I recommend you use the new python from brew.

  • For windows, open Windows Terminal and open Ubuntu 22.04 (WSL)

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install python3

Setup python virtual-env

  • python program always uses some libraries, and sometimes different library depend on inconsistent versions of the same library and this would breaks python.
  • This can be largely avoided by use of virtual-env.
  • A virtual-env is an isolated folder supposed to contain all library files you need for some project.
  • I recommend you always use virtual-env.
  • Alternatively you can use miniconda, but I had very bad experience with it. Please remove it if you have installed it in your Ubuntu or Mac.
  • You can keep your miniconda or Anaconda on your Windows. We don’t work in the Windows directly.
  • Now create the venv in some folders, say ~/software/python-venv/physics
python -m venv ~/software/python-venv/physics
  • Then activate it
source ~/software/python-venv/physics/bin/activate
  • To avoid typing the above every time you open a new shell,
    • For Ubuntu, put it in the ~/.bashrc.
    • For Mac, put it in the ~/.zshrc.

Install jupyter etc.

pip install jupyter matplotlib pandas numpy scipy mplhep uproot pyarrow iminuit

Install VSCode

  • Download the Visual Studio Code from its official website.
    • It’s better than Jetbrains CLion regarding support for remote development.
    • But CLion has better support for perf. If you know how to perf with VSCode, email me and let me know.
    • Now we can stick with VSCode.
  • Follow the stackoverflow post so you can launch VSCode from your shell. It’s convenient.

Start jupyter in VSCode

  • Use your shell to create a folder
mkdir -p ~/work/physics/tutorial
  • Open VSCode and select from the menu File -> Open Folder ..., then choose the folder you just created ~/work/physics/tutorial.

    • Alternatively you can
    cd ~/work/physics/tutorial
    code .
  • Create a new file named test.ipynb

  • Now click on the right top and select the python you use for jupyter. It should be the one in the venv earlier.

  • Now type in one cell

  • Press CTRL+Enter, now you should run the cell and see hi.

Run iminuit tutorial

  • iminuit is the python version of the famous Minuit software library.
  • Now you just copy and paste code on iminuit tutorial and test that you setup all softwares.
  • Put this in one cell
# basic setup of the notebook
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# everything in iminuit is done through the Minuit object, so we import it
from iminuit import Minuit

# we also need a cost function to fit and import the LeastSquares function
from iminuit.cost import LeastSquares

# display iminuit version
import iminuit
print("iminuit version:", iminuit.__version__)
# our line model, unicode parameter names are supported :)
def line(x, α, β):
    return α + x * β

# generate random toy data with random offsets in y
rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
data_x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
data_yerr = 0.1  # could also be an array
data_y = rng.normal(line(data_x, 1, 2), data_yerr)
least_squares = LeastSquares(data_x, data_y, data_yerr, line)

m = Minuit(least_squares, α=0, β=0)  # starting values for α and β

m.migrad()  # finds minimum of least_squares function
m.hesse()   # accurately computes uncertainties
  • Press CTRL + Enter and you should see the plots
    Screenshot of result
    Screen shot of iminuit result

That’s it, and you’ve finished all tasks in this lecture. Congratulations!