PhD, Master, Joint-training, and Visiting students

May 6, 2023·
Xuefeng Ding
Xuefeng Ding
· 5 min read
Table of Contents


  • 2023 UCAS PhD program (直博生)
  • 2023 UCAS Master program (硕士生)
  • 2023 IHEP Joint-training program (联合培养)
  • 2023 IHEP Visiting-students program (客座学生)


Experimental Physics Divition, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (EPD-IHEP-CAS), Yuquan Road 19B, Beijing 10037, China

About the programs

In this page, I introduce channels through which you may study with me. Please note this is a personal introduction. Please refer to the IHEP-CAS EDU official materials at last.

The UCAS-PhD and UCAS-Master program

In these two programs, students conduct research at the Institue of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Scienes (IHEP-CAS), and obtain their degree through the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). Students can be enrolled through the recommendation-based examination-exempted procedure (推荐面试), or the graduate entrance exam procedure (考研). The Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHEP-CAS) should be chosen as target institute when submitting applications.

For exact details of the program please refer to

For recommendation-based examination-exempted students, the number of students that can be accepted by IHEP-CAS is constrained, and thus screening process are practised. There are three chances you may get the offer from IHEP-CAS:

Note that students interested in theoretical physics division, rather than the experimental physics division, need to participate in the paper exam held during the summer camp There is an article you may be interested: [夏令营,预报名,九推,分别是什么?]-(

Once you passed any of three or two interviews and your qualification for graduate-entrance-exam exemption is confirmed, you are guarenteed to be enrolled by the IHEP-CAS.

For graduate-entrance-exam-based students, the available quota left is less and thus competition is strong. Be sure not to miss deadlines.

According to the State Master students Entrance Example Online Application Platform (研招网 - 全国硕士研究生招生考试网上报名平台), here are the important dates for 2023-2026 cycle:

  • 2022.9.16 – 2022.10.25 Fill personal information
  • 2022.9.24 – 2022.9.27 Pre submission
  • 2022.10.5 – 2022.10.25 Formal submission (province based, see page)
  • 2022.10 – 2022.12 Confirmation of submission
  • 2022.12.14 Exam permit can be downloaded.
  • 2022.12.24 Exam: 101 思想政治理论 & 201 英语(一)
  • 2022.12.25 Exam: 601 高等数学 & 811 量子力学

You can guess the important dates for the next cycle should be similar.

Note that if you would like to study with me, you should choose 80009 高能物理研究所 070202 粒子物理与原子核物理 - 01 粒子物理实验

The range of exams are described in pages provided by UCAS, and you may find the questions of previous exams in pages provided by UCAS.

This page is only for illustration purpose. Please make sure to rely on the IHEP-CAS EDU official material rather than this page. This page may be outdated.

IHEP Joint-training and IHEP-visiting-students program

Master or PhD students enrolled in universities may choose JUNO as their research topic and study at IHEP via the Join-training program. Students shall have at least two advisors, one from his own school and me. An interview will be organized in Spring at IHEP. From IHEP-CAS side, joint-program students shall receive labor fee (劳务费) and rent subsidy (租房补贴) during the program provided by my research funds.

Master or PhD students enrolled in universities may also visit IHEP for short terms and conduct research in JUNO via the IHEP-visiting-students program. Visting students shall also receive labor fee and rent subsidy during the program provided by my research funds.

The joint-training program is usually for long term (more than half a year) research and visiting-student program is usually for short term.

Your advisor, you, and me should reach mutual agreements on

  • the research plan
  • the visiting periods and your physical location during the program
  • who will take care of one or more papers signed by you/your-advisor as first author and your university as first institute, if you need it/them for graduation

Once all we three agree on them, we can advance to push the beauracracy procedure.


Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO)

PhD/Master/Joint-training/Visiting-students Topics

The research projects should be closely related to the JUNO experiment.

JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) is a neutrino experiment located at Kaiping, Jiangmen, Guangdong of China. It is around 53 km to both the Yangjiang and Taishan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). Its center detector includes 20,000 tons of liquid scintillator contained in an acrylic ball of radius 17.7 m, and around 20,000 20-inch photo-multipliers. The primary goal of JUNO is to determine the neutrino mass ordering. At the same time, considering its large mass and execellent energy resolution, it has strong potentials to study the geo-neutrinos, solar neutrinos, atmospheric neutrinos, DSNB, supernovae neutrinos etc.

A PhD project shall conduct a comprehensive study of a relatively general question. A Master project shall study a more constrained question. A visiting student project should have clear goals and objectives and definite duration.

My current research interest focuses on

  • Solar Neutrino Physics with JUNO
  • Machine learning application in JUNO

If you are interested in working with me, please apply through the above mentioned programs within deadline constraint and contact me and IHEP-CAS EDU for more details.